
Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Little Hope

February is always the time when I start to grow weary of winter. And as other stresses and challenges keep demanding time, energy, and mental space I feel it more than usual this year. I don't like to use our blog to bemoan life's bumps and bruises, but it gives just a little context to yesterday's specialness.

Yesterday was Day 99. The little ticker over on the sidebar - measuring the days until Jim graduates and finally comes home - rolled into the double digits! When you consider that we started with 652 days, hitting number 99 really feels like coming into the home stretch!

Interestingly, the lone daffodil in my front yard chose yesterday to open its bloom. I love this daffodil. It's bold. Every year it sticks its head out when it's still "technically" winter, and it gives me hope that spring is on the way.
And so I'm reminded that, no matter how weary we may grow of things like winter and waiting, there is always hope. Isn't that nice?


John said...

Michael brought me home a bunch of daffodils and tulips yesterday when I was sick and boy did it cheer me up. Miss you both very much! :)

Princess Jessie Pants said...

You are so great. I love that you're being optimistic through all of this. Sending you lots & lots of love. Call if I can help in anyway. xoxo

Kristal Beth said...

Amen, for hope is yet to come, and what keeps a person going.

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