So it seemed like a good time to have a little "check-in" with the cohort. Those who could gathered in Corvallis last week for a little reunion. It was great because there was no group work and no Think Cards! We gathered updates from as many cohort-mates as possible, and they are consolidated here.
Jennifer (Schiefelbein) Wellborn
Since graduation, I've lived in Tucson, Arizona where we get 300 days of sun. I initially worked for University of Arizona as an undecided academic advisor (like UESP at OSU). Then for over 6 1/2 years I worked for my alma mater, Northern Arizona University, as a Program Coordinator for their Tucson Campus in their Extended Campuses division, which has nearly 40 campuses throughout the state of Arizona in both urban and rural areas. I worked primarily with the teacher education programs and did outreach to our community college partner since NAU offered only junior/senior-level and graduate-level coursework. I grew the teacher preparation programs by 400% in 2 years and provided academic advising to all students enrolled in these programs as well as prospective students. I loved that job but opportunities to move up were not available so I had to move on.
About 3 years ago, I left NAU to take a position at Pima Community College, which is one of the largest multi-campus community college districts in the nation (still in Tucson, AZ). I served as Assistant Registrar for Veterans Benefits and Graduation Coordinator. I oversaw the graduation processing for the College, as well as the administration of Veterans benefits for 1300-1400 veterans each semester. HOwever, I missed daily interaction with students so...
Just over a year ago, I took a slight position decrease and pay cut to internally transfer to the position of Student Life Coordinator at one of the campuses and I love it! I advise the Student Government, I plan student activities and cultural events. I get to teach leadership workshops and classes, and take students to leadership conferences. I recently transferred again to a different campus and my immediate supervisor is encouraging and supportive yet challenging. She is gently trying to push me into getting my Doctorate... someday.
On the personal front, just a few weeks after graduation, Dan and I got married in Flagstaff, Arizona where we went to college. In just under 2 weeks, we celebrate our 10th anniversary! Crazy, I know! I included a picture of us at Disneyland from a couple years ago where he is actually smiling even though it was crowded and hot. Several years ago, I took up marathon running. No, I was never a runner before, in fact my first race ever was the 2006 Tucson Marathon. I have run about 10 marathons and a little over a dozen half marathons. Last spring, I did a 202 mile 12-person relay, which was fun/crazy/smelly/tiring/when-are-we-doing-it-again. I haven't been running much lately, running during the summer months in Arizona is hard, the only sane time to do it is 5am.
I wish I could be there with all of you today!!! I had planned for months to be there but life got in the way and prevented me from being there :-(
Ali (Fanjoy) Edington
As far as check-ins go, I'm still at Earlham College in Indiana (8 years!) I'm an international student advisor and recently (today) took over as director of the exchange program we have with Waseda University, in Tokyo. That means more free trips to Japan (yay!) On a personal note, we're starting Foster Parenting classes tomorrow and plan to Foster-to-Adopt. I finally have my own kayak, too, which makes me happy happy happy! I'd love to hear what everyone else is up to. :)
Melinda Brown
After working in higher ed for 13 years, I decided to make a move for myself and not a job. So, in 2011, my canine boys and I packed up our house in Virginia and headed out on a 3-month cross-country trip to find a dog-friendly, service-oriented community. I found our perfect fit in Fort Collins, Colorado - we love the sunshine and lack of humidity, especially! We are approaching three years, and I have a great job working in the non-profit sector for Alzheimer's Association doing fundraising and event-planning across Northern Colorado. I get to meet with donors and plan wonderful events in support of a cause that is near to my heart. I think fondly of my days working in education, but also love the emotional rewards in my new role. I have also been able to engage in several volunteer roles in my new community; joining the Board of Directors for a local animal shelter, steering committee member for a leadership course through our local Chamber, and an active member for Junior League. Hope you all are just as happy as Cole, Spencer and I!
Jill (Gutzler) Taylor
After graduation, I worked at OSU as a study abroad advisor for 2.5 years. It was fun to be in Corvallis and not have to study. I loved Corvallis even more.
Mark and I decided to finally be in the same city so we both moved to Anchorage. I worked at the University of Alaska Anchorage for 7 years doing academic advising, advising Greek Life and student organizations, and finally Student Activities which I loved. After our second daughter was born, I decided I wanted to work less. So last year we moved to Skagway, in SE Alaska. Mark is the superintendent of the railroad there and I play with the girls. We spend the summers there, so last winter we house sat in Portland and got to take a lot of fun vacations. Once our oldest daughter Lily is in school we will need a new plan, but for now it's fun. I miss working in higher ed and once the girls are in school I hope to return. I hope one of you will want to hire me some day.
Tracy (Glumich) Hovland
Hi, everyone! Sorry I'm missing the first official CSSA check in since 2004. I'm doing well living in Minnetonka, Minnesota with my five-year-old daughter, Ava, and my husband. We are currently getting ready to add a fourth family member -- a dog -- this summer. I'm not working right now but I am enjoying spending time at home with my daughter. If we haven't already, please connect with me on Facebook. I'd love to see how you are doing. Miss you all!
Kris Nessler
I am disappointed that I cannot make it out. Plane flight was a little pricey for Katie and I at this point - just bought our first house and are doing everything we can to get our savings account back in good shape!
Update - got married (finally) back in September. Started working at Georgetown in April of last year, scary how fast a year went, scarier how fast 10 went!
Nikki Olson
From Nicole: Nikki's update to me was something along the lines of "will you please tell everybody what I'm up to?" Sounds like a busy mom of three!
After graduation Nikki stayed in Corvallis and met her husband, Henry. Nikki took a job in Recreational Sports at Univeristy of Minnesota-Duluth (her alma mater) and they moved to Minnesota. Their son, Oscar, is about 3. Their twins, Rosemary & Eleanor, are about 8 months old.
Glen Miller
Debi Stabler
Wende (Feller) Fischer
Maren Oates
Nicole Kent
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