
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bring It On

You know those days when every turn seems to be a road block or another pot-hole? You go through your day finding yourself frustrated almost constantly. Every time something happens, you deal with it and sit back, take a deep breath and mutter to yourself, "hope that was it." Of course as soon as you do something else blows up. By the end of the day you're so warn out that nothing else could phase you. 2010 has turned into that day.

It's like the scene in Emperors New Groove -

Instead of sitting back and hoping that nothing else will happen I have decided Kuzco has it right. I'm all funned out but guess what, I bet another major challenge sitting down the line waiting to rear it's ugly head. A huge waterfall with rocks at the bottom, most likely. And that's why I say.

Bring it on.


1 comment:

Nicole said...

Seriously. But I still believe in Year of Awesome. It just means awesome tumbles over awesome waterfalls - yaaahoooohooo!

For the record: I refuse to believe that you will ever be "all funned out." That's just not how you roll, Jimbo. Just keep swimming!