
Friday, September 5, 2008

Back To School

When did I turn 18 again? Where did the days go where I was a real adult and did not have the urge to yell at my friends across campus and jump off curbs? And what is with these stacks of books?

Ten things that remind you that you're not in the "Real World" anymore:

10. Everyone walking around with backpacks on.
9. Walking down the hall to take a shower.
8. Twin size bed.
7. Having someone else cook and clean for you.
6. Coin Landry Machines
5. Rules against Candles
4. Having to lock your door every time you leave.
3. Florescent lighting...
2. That student ID card that buys everything you need.
1. Mini Fridge - Not big enough to hold a gallon of milk AND the the same time.

Be glad you are not back in school and enjoy the pleasures of life we take for granted like having food in the fridge whenever you want or being able to walk to the bathroom in your boxers without half the world seeing.


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