
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Happy!

A glance at the calendar reminds me that this is a big day for friends and fam. A post in their honor!

First, a very happy 30th birthday to my token Republican friend, JET (that's him on the right). Interestingly enough, his real head is only slightly smaller than this Headless Horseman impersonation. We don't bother trying to buy him hats...

JET and I normally exchange rude political birthday cards (and use our votes to cancel each other out), but I didn't get one in the mail this year. Don't get the wrong idea, dude, your Marian-the-Librarian lookin' VP candidate hasn't won me over! Seriously though, have an awesome birthday!

Today's other big news is Ben & Treena's fourth anniversary! Wahoo! Four years since somebody finally came along and told my brother to chill the heck out. We knew Treena was special when Ben actually listened ;) Here's the happy couple - civilized, refined, cultured...

Actually, these two are perfect for each other, and continue to be an inspiration for SoundGuy and me as proof that long-distance relationships can survive. Keep up the good work, kids!

(Hey Ben - if you give me your puppy I'll take this embarassing picture off my blog.)

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