
Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Presidential Debate

The McCain Lip-Lick

I consider myself a moderate and enjoy playing devils advocate with whatever persons I find myself in company with. Maybe this is just my bias coming out but did anyone else notice the odd tick like action that perpetuated throughout the debate by McCain? He would flick his lower lip with his tong in a very consistent manner that gave him a very reptilian demeanor. I mean really, it was like watching a lizard and trying to guess when it would breathe next. I caught myself yelling, "Do it again!" at the screen. By the end of the debate his lips were red and almost chapped. Poor guy.

That being said, a lizard lick is a lot better than this:


Nicole said...

Oh, sweets. It's tongUE. Tong is...well, it's just something that rhymes with wrong! =)

Princess Jessie Pants said...

Hee, hee - I noticed that too, but wasn't going to comment on it. :)

Love the pic at the end of the post - & the quote - that's TOO good. :)

Unknown said...

brother: I love ya! Especially for your valiant attempt at avoiding the dangling preposition and then adding it in at the end! "I consider myself a moderate and enjoy playing devils advocate with whatever persons I find myself in company with"

This is where the new book I sent you will come in handy!! Loose the last "with" and you would have been perfect... well except that devil's advocate does have that apostrophe...

BethR said...

Hang in there Jimmy, it isn't all about good spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I really learned all of that when I was in grad. school, anyway, so you've still got time to learn all the tricks.

Thanks for picking up on McCain's lip-lick, how gross! Not to mention that he wouldn't make eye contact with Obama. Pa-lease!

You and your newly-brunette chica have been "tagged" by me (I think by Erin, too, sorry for the double threat). Check out my blog to learn more details.